Volunteering Sessions
Volunteering Sessions
INTELlectual disability?

A Person with Intellectual Disability (PWID) is associated with the following:
An Intellectual functioning that is significantly below average (i.e. IQ level of 70 or below)
Limitations in daily living skills (adaptive behaviour), e.g. Self care, safety or social skills
These limitations become apparent before the person turns 18 years old
It is neither an illness or a disease, but a condition which can occur any time before, during or after birth (before 18 years of age).
INTELlectual disability
Intellectual Disability may be attributed to various causes, of which only some are known.
​Before Birth
Due to genetic inheritance and/or chromosomal abnormality (e.g. Down Syndrome)
Problems during pregnancy - infection (arising from the mother)
​During Birth
Problems during birth (e.g. asphyxia/ lack of oxygen leading to brain damage during prolonged labour and trauma)
After Birth
Infections, injury and/ or trauma that may lead to brain damage
This is a non-exhaustive list.

INTELlectual disability
Persons with Intellectually Disability may exhibit some of the following traits:
Short attention span
Difficulties remembering/ retaining information
Unable to regulate one's behaviour
Suffers from delayed language development
Slow learning rate
Poor social and communication skills

persons with INTELlectual disability
Intellectually disabled people are mentally ill.
Mental disability is contagious.
The intellectually disabled are a burden on society.
The intellectually disabled do not belong to our community.
The intellectually disabled cannot work.
The intellectually disabled don't have feelings.
The intellectually disabled do not develop normally and have limited thinking abilities as a result. They cannot be treated (unlike the mentally ill) but can be trained to live fulfilling and independent lives.
Mental disability is NOT infectious whether you are an infant, a child or an adult.
The intellectually disabled can learn to do household chores or clean himself. Many of them earn a proper living in society.
The intellectually disabled can take part in all activities but only if people allow them to do so. They sing, dance and jump when given a chance to do so!
Some learn vocational skills and are part of the work force. They are involved in cleaning services, carwashes, assembly line work etc.
Intellectually disabled people have emotional needs for love, happiness and pride just like other people. They can feel hurt when people make fun of them. So do your part to make them feel at home!